Picking up a paintbrush is just the beginning for seniors who find their minds challenged and hearts opened at Door County Medical Center’s (DCMC) Art for Health workshops. For seven years, DCMC has providing free art workshops for local seniors at care facilities, places of worship and community centers. The interactive workshops provide hands-on participatory experiences in music, storytelling, visual arts and more. Since the program’s inception, the program has served more than 700 people.
Art for Health participant with her collage
“We believe that the health of body, mind and spirit are interconnected,” says Kevin Grohskopf, chief business development officer at DCMC. “Studies have shown the benefits of mental and creative stimulation in preventing dementia and depression and enhancing mental fitness and the sense of social connection. We feel it’s important for our hospital to provide these experiences to the community.”
Art for Health coordinator Terry Lundahl recruits local artists and performers to provide the workshops, which serve a wide range of seniors. “This therapeutic program has proven beneficial to seniors who are very active as well as those who may be more fragile. In creating a community of participants in our workshops, we find people learn from one another and enjoy the experience of trying something new.”
Shirley Senarighi, coordinator of adult forums at Hope Church, agrees. “Art for health is a wonderful program that engaged our community in creating their own artistic ‘masterpieces’ and sharing them with the group. What a great contribution to our senior community.”
Upcoming Art for Health for Seniors workshops will take place on February 8 and 22, and March 8 and 22. For more information, contact Terry Lundahl at 920.493.5979.